
Thursday, December 17, 2015


Hello, everyone. :)
     Well, if you're living in the twenty-first century, then you are either caught up in the Star Wars fandom or are watching it sweep by you with the flash of lightsabers, leaving you rather dizzy and dazed. Our little family is no exception. Mom, Sylvia, Saige, and Caroline haven't really spoken of anything else this past month - with The Force Awakens coming out and all. I must admit, I am not yet part of the Star Wars fandom. My apologies if that last sentence caused anyone to faint from horror. But I prefer, for now at least, to stick to my classic novels and history textbooks. But we'll see what the coming few years bring.
     All that to say, our mom has just finished a small doll replica of Rey! She's very pretty, I must say. This blog is not limited to AG dolls, so here are some pictures of the Rey doll. Enjoy. :)

     Mom thought she looked almost human from the back, so that's why the majority of the photos are from that angle. ;) Well, I hoped you enjoyed this little photoshoot. Are any of you going to see The Force Awakens today or tomorrow? 
     Have a lovely day!



  1. Your Rey doll is so adorable!
    Please Tell your mom that she did a great job :)

    I actually hadn't watched any of the Star Wars movies up until about two weeks ago, until my dad decided I should become "acquainted" with the first three movies ;)

    Though I did watch them, I still feel a bit dizzy and dazed by all the buzz, since I not personally enjoy the movies very much, myself, either :) (I hope my sentence did not cause any horror or faintness, too ;)
    Great pictures, too! Once again, great job :)

    1. Thank you, I will! :)

      Well, I'm glad I've found a fellow friend who is not a part of the Star Wars fandom. They grow scarce these days. ;)

      Sylvia wants to know: when you say "first three movies", do you mean the originals, or the prequels? Sylvia says that she hasn't bothered watching the prequels and is going to stick with the originals.


    2. No problem! Your mom did very well on the doll :)

      Haha, me, too-- I agree that non-Star Wars enthusiasts are growing extremely rare ;)
      Thanks for asking, Sylvia! Oops, I meant the original three ;) I don't plan to bother with any prequels, either ;)

  2. She is so pretty! I myself will most likely not see the 7th episode until it comes out on DVD. I feel better that way ;)Though, I have seen the original three and I love them!

    I love you girls!!

    1. Good call... I'm sure it will seem more intense in the theater. Good to wait. ;)


    2. The Force Awakens is certainly much more intense than the original trilogy. But I will say, it's probably my new fav of all the Star Wars films!

      ~Julia Grace

    3. Our mom got to see it, and she says that it is quite intense. We probably won't get to see it for awhile. ;)


  3. Oh, by the way... lovely photography! She really DOES look real from the back. ;)

  4. Love the doll!!! Her outfit is DEAD on, and she's super cute. :)

    ~Julia Grace

  5. I really like Star Wars (4,5,6,7) and I really like your Rey doll :0)

